Furniture maker Aspen Golann teaches hand tool woodworking and bent lamination with Origin.

Hand Tool Woodworking

Educator and woodworker Aspen Golann spent years training at the North Bennet St School, where she focused on centuries-old hand tool woodworking techniques. But as Aspen puts it, “It’s not about the 18th century style, it’s about the 18th century style of woodworking. It’s just a way of wielding tools.” In this seven-part video series, Aspen demonstrates how combining tools – like spoke shaves, rasps, files and card scrapers – with Origin to create unique bent lamination forms, can yield entirely unique and modern results.

Lessons in this Masterclass

Lesson 01 | Hand Tool Basics

Using the Bench Brush as a backdrop, Aspen walks through spoke shave, rasp, file, card scraper, and sanding techniques.

Lesson 02 | The 5:7 Rule

This ancient technique, originating from ship building, creates a system of lines for efficiently shaping wood.

Lesson 03 | Bent Lamination with Origin

Aspen creates a tapered lamination form, pictured here, with Origin and then walks through the process of glueing and clamping the pan sides.

Lesson 04 | Shaping the Dust Pan: Part 1

Ending in another glue-up, Aspen shows off the process of shaping the pan bottom, rabbeting the sides, and assembling the pan.

Lesson 05 | Shaping the Dust Pan: Part 2

In a final round of shaping, Aspen walks through the process of applying the 5:7 technique to the pan sides to create complex curves.

Lesson 06 | Finishing Techniques

A simple two-part finish is all it takes for the Bench Brush and Dust Pan.

Lesson 07 | Bonus! Hand-Tied Bristles

The Bench Brush bristles are made from hand-tied tampico fibers. In this final bonus segment, Aspen walks through the process of creating your own.

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Lessons in this Masterclass

01 | Hand Tool Basics

02 | The 5:7 Rule

03 | Bent Lamination with Origin

04 | Shaping the Dust Pan: Part 1

05 | Shaping the Dust Pan: Part 2

06 | Finishing Techniques

07 | Bonus! Hand-Tied Bristles

Bench Brush and Dust Pan Project Plans

Both the Bench Brush and Dust Pan projects are available for free on ShaperHub. Download the plans for both and follow along with Aspen’s Masterclass videos.


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