Welcome to Jenner
Our 10th Free System Update is here!
Jenner helps you avoid costly mistakes with simple pre-planning features, keeping your project on track from beginning to end.
Encode depths to paths so you never cut too deep
Accidentally cutting deeper than you intended is a frustrating and costly mistake. When completing lots of cuts with Origin, it’s easy to forget the depth that each path should be cut to. Some of us have resorted to notepads, post-it notes, or annotations in our design files as a way to remind ourselves how deep we need to cut. But mistakes still happen. Even a small mistake can cost you hours of work.

With Encoded Depth, you can now assign depths to individual paths in your Workspace. Any time you move Origin over a path which has an encoded depth, you’ll receive helpful reminders which keep you on track as you work through your cuts.

If you set the cut depth to the same value as the selected path’s encoded depth, a green checkmark will be displayed as confirmation that you are cutting to the intended depth.

If you set the cut depth to a value which is greater than the selected path’s encoded depth, you’ll see a warning which will ask you to confirm that you want to cut deeper than you originally intended.

You can encode depths to paths in your design using Origin or Studio. If you’re using Studio, you can encode depths to paths in Plan Mode. When you import the design to Origin, the encoded depths will already be set up and ready to use. Don’t worry if you want to change an Encoded Depth; there is no need to return to Studio, just make changes on the fly on Origin.

Utilize encoded depths included with any file in our Hardware Catalog
Since the introduction of the Hardware Catalog earlier this year, we’ve added a wide selection of installation templates for specialty hinges, drawer pulls, fasteners, and latches, all free to access. Plate makes hardware installation easier than ever and we’ve now taken all the guesswork out of the workflow by adding encoded depths to all hardware templates.
Learn more about Encoded Depth in our Jenner overview:
Manual Z-Touch for fine router bits and soft materials
Origin’s Automatic Z-touch feature has existed for some time and is unchanged in Jenner. It’s a highly accurate method to calibrate Origin’s z-axis with one click when working with standard sized router bits and materials with firm surfaces like most woods, plastics, and non-ferrous metals. But results with fine router bits and soft surfaced materials are less accurate. If you use Automatic Z-touch in these situations, the router bit will press into the surface of your workpiece before calibrating. This will leave a dent in your workpiece and also make Origin think that the surface of the material is lower than it actually is, resulting in cuts which are deeper than intended.

With Manual Z-Touch, you now have the option to manually calibrate Origin’s z-axis when using fine router bits like engraving bits, or working with materials with soft surfaces like cork or foam. Using the green and red buttons to raise and lower the spindle, you can lower the router bit until it just makes contact with the surface of your material. Manual Z-touch and Automatic Z-touch provide perfect z-axis calibration in all scenarios, resulting in accurate cut depths regardless of your router bit or material.
The Only Power Tool that Gets Better with Age
Origin isn’t like most tools in your shop. It actually continues to get better over time. As always with Origin, you can expect to receive free system updates like Jenner which include refinements to the tool's performance, usability, and its core suite of features. These free system updates are released roughly once a year.