OriginStudioTraceFusion 360

Software Updates

Origin's operating system is free and frequently updates.

USB downloadable updates are made available several weeks after being released for Wi-Fi installation. To get the latest updates as soon as they are available, connect your Origin to Wi-Fi. Major updates/features are released for Origin Gen1 and Gen2 simultaneously. Minor bug-fix releases sometimes only target Gen1 or Gen2, so the latest update version numbers for Origin Gen1 and Gen2 may not always be identical.

How do I update my Origin?


Version (Gen2) (Gen1) March 11, 2025

Unless otherwise noted, the below fixes apply to both Origin Gen1 and Gen2.

  • Improved system performance by fixing a bug in Origin's logging system

Version (Gen2) (Gen1) December 12, 2024

Unless otherwise noted, the below fixes apply to both Origin Gen1 and Gen2.

  • Resolved a workpiece scanning failure that could result from certain ShaperTape layouts

  • Fixed an AutoPass bug that could be triggered by retracting between a roughing and finishing pass

  • Improved the handling of imported files that were generated by Canva


Version (Gen2) (Gen1) December 3, 2024

Unless otherwise noted, the below fixes apply to both Origin Gen1 and Gen2.

  • Resolved an issue affecting a small number of Origins that could result in a boot-loop after updating.

  • Resolved a rare bug that could cause Origin to crash when the vision system encountered an algorithmic corner case.

  • Resolved an issue where AutoPass would behave incorrectly when a high number of passes were used.

  • Improved consistency of end-of-cut behavior.

  • Minor language updates for clarity.


Version (Gen2) (Gen1) November 6, 2024

Probe Circle and Probe Rectangle Extensions

New Circle and Rectangle Probe extensions allow you to create geometry on Origin by probing objects directly.  Accurately and easily center designs on dowels or rectilinear stock without having to measure and place designs.

Note: These Probing extensions are part of Shaper Labs and must be manually enabled in the settings menu.

Workspaces Become More Flexible

You can now Export your Workspace—including Grids—directly to Shaper Studio for detailed editing, then re-import to Origin. This allows you to start a project on Origin, then use tools in Studio for further design changes. When you’re done, import your file back to Origin and everything will line up perfectly.

You can also now import a Workspace. This acts like a “copy and paste” between projects.  Create a tenon on Workstation, then import that file onto Plate for the mortise without having to recreate all the shapes.

AutoPass Updates

Pocketing cuts are now available with AutoPass — set your depth, and Origin makes stepped passes down to your desired depth. You choose when to plunge to the next depth by clicking the green button.

Open paths are also now supported with AutoPass, making it easy to make deeper engravings that require multiple passes.

Internet Connectivity

Origin will now alert you when you are having trouble accessing Shaper services, which could cause failures when importing files or downloading new updates.

Unless otherwise noted, the below fixes apply to both Origin Gen1 and Gen2.

  • (Gen 2) You can select a Wi-Fi compatibility mode in Settings that will make Origin prefer 2.4GHz networks - try this if you are having Wi-Fi connectivity problems.

  • Simplified experience when you create a Scan with accuracy issues

  • Fixed issue where Origin would lose connection to internet after ~15 minutes

  • Fixed an issue where screen would freeze for a split second while cutting

  • (Gen 2) Fixed Z-touch Issue where sometimes it would fail repeatedly until unit is rebooted

  • Improved speed on Wi-Fi settings page when lots of networks are available

  • Open networks are now remembered after reboot

  • Allow sign out of shaper account regardless of Wi-Fi status

  • Hovering a guide will not update tools cut depth when AutoPass is on

  • Fixed an issue that could cause the import screen to fail to load when you’ve recently switched Wi-Fi networks. 

  • Boot-Up animation updated

  • Increased max roughing offset to half of bit diameter for AutoPass

  • Fixed issue where sometimes Origin would crash starting an AutoPass cut

  • Shaper Connected Caliper now connects to Origin much faster

  • Increase duration of checkmark display after completing z-touch.

  • Fixed a rendering error that could occur after a failed scan

  • Cosmetic fixes to region selection

  • Reduced lag when cutting complex files with Autopass

Kirby Cove

Version - November 13th, 2023

Connected Caliper

Kirby Cove introduces support for a new accessory for Origin: The Shaper Connected Caliper! The Shaper Connected Caliper enables you to measure and wirelessly transmit stock dimensions, cut depths, and more to your Origin with the tap of a button.

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Slot Tool

Now you can create slot shapes directly on Origin. Simplify your on-tool designs of mortises, dados, and other common joinery.

Polygon Tool

Origin now supports creating regular or irregular polygon shapes with up to 20 sides. Create polygons with up to 20 sides directly on the tool.

Delete All Workspaces

You asked and we listened!  You can now delete all your Workspaces with a single click.  While not required, you may decide to start fresh, or just get rid of a bunch of unused workspaces.

Unless otherwise noted, the below fixes apply to both Origin Gen1 and Gen2.

  • Improved handling of ShaperHub login state when browsing files

  • Fixed some internationalization discrepancies throughout the UI

  • Fixed an issue where certain supported countries could not be selected in the region selection screen

  • Resolved an issue that could cause Origin to forget its Wi-Fi connection between reboots and/or after a system update

  • Improved UI snappiness on multiple screens

  • Fixed an issue that could result in some compound shapes being uncuttable when using Autopass

  • No longer prompt users to try a free trial of Autopass if they have already paid for the full version

  • (Gen1) Resolved an issue that could rarely cause Gen1 tools to run hotter than expected while idle

  • (Gen1) Resolved an issue that could, in extremely rarely cases, cause the Gen1 on-screen interface to spontaneously crash and auto-reload while idle

  • (Gen1) Implemented an improved factory-reset behavior capable of resolving a wider range of error states automatically

  • (Gen2) Improved speed and connection stability of both 2.4GHz and 5GHz Wi-Fi networks, particularly in Europe

  • (Gen2) Improved power-on Z-Axis homing behavior

  • (Gen2) Fixed an issue that could cause visual artifacts to appear on the touchscreen of a small number of Gen2 units

  • Minor other bug fixes and improvements


Version - June 27th, 2023

Unless otherwise noted, below fixes apply to both Origin Gen1 and Gen2.

  • Updated logging service to prevent interruption to log data caused by a third-party service change

  • Improved handling of AutoPass free-trial when connected to certain Wi-Fi networks

  • Resolved an issue where a purchased AutoPass extension would sometimes fail to function when not connected to Wi-Fi

Version - May 14th, 2023

AutoPass Free Trial

  • A 14 day free trial is now available for every Origin. This gives you full access to the feature for 14 days where you can test out the features and get a feel for how AutoPass works. The trial does not require a credit card up front and has all the features of AutoPass.

Unless otherwise noted, below fixes apply to both Origin Gen1 and Gen2.

  • Fixed an issue where some compound shapes could cause climb cuts

  • Assorted Bug Fixes

Version - December 7th, 2022

Unless otherwise noted, below fixes apply to both Origin Gen1 and Gen2.

  • Fixed some incorrectly translated language in the UI

  • (Gen2) Improved thermal performance

  • Fixed a rare issue that could cause some tools to fail to update from Inverness to Jenner

  • (Gen1) Improved functionality of system recovery options

Version - November 21st, 2022

Unless otherwise noted, below fixes apply to both Origin Gen1 and Gen2.

  • (Gen1) Fixed a rare issue that could cause some tools to fail to touch off successfully

  • (Gen1) Fixed a rare issue that made it difficult to enter auto-locked mode with a double click on certain tools

  • (Gen1) Fixed a regression introduced in in which a tiny offset (approximately the thickness of two human hairs) was applied to the z-axis touchoff zero position

  • (Gen1) Fixed a boot screen visual styling regression introduced in

Version - November 21st, 2022

Manual Z-Touch

It’s now possible to manually calibrate Origin’s Z-Axis zero-height before cutting by lowering/raising the spindle with the buttons on the handles.

Manual Z-Touch is the best way to calibrate Origin’s z-axis zero-height when using fine router bits with small diameters (e.g.engraving bits), and/or when working with soft surfaces like cork or foam.

Encoded Depth

Assign depths to individual paths in your Workspace so you don’t accidentally cut deeper than you intended.

Helpful icons/warnings appear in Origin’s Cut Mode UI so you can keep track of your Encoded Depths.

A warning will prevent you from accidentally cutting deeper than a path's Encoded Depth. Optionally bypass this warning.

Unless otherwise noted, below fixes apply to both Origin Gen1 and Gen2.

  • Optimizations to system performance

  • Improved readability of certain modals

  • Language and translation improvements throughout UI

  • Added Encoded Depth for Box Joint Basic when created on tool

  • (Gen2) Improved hardware fault detection and fixed a rare issue in which a motor fault could be reported when one did not actually occur

  • Added QR codes throughout UI which conveniently link to helpful information on

  • Now cache toolpaths for specific bit diameter and offset combos

  • Added quick guides for learning about new features

  • Fixed assorted, rarely-occurring application crashes

  • Wi-Fi networks can be selected and connected to from the system recovery screen

  • (Gen2) Improved handling of jammed Z-Axis (i.e. with wood or shipping lock)

  • Improved resilience of Wi-Fi connectivity in certain conditions where it previously would not reliably connect


Version - July 19th, 2021

  • Minor system stability improvement

Version - July 15th, 2021


It’s now possible to quickly lock an object in a precise location by entering dimensions relative to your Grid’s (X,Y) axes.

You can use the Calculator’s operation keys (+, -, x, /) to reposition an object relative to its current location.

Lock one axis numerically, then physically move Origin to adjust your object’s position along the unlocked axis.

A new X,Y marker shows the orientation of your grid’s X,Y axes to keep you oriented as you move Origin around your workspace.

Import/Copy Mode Improvements

When copying objects, the copied object will be overlaid on top of the original object. If you move Origin by a small amount, your copied object will detach from the original object and follow Origin’s reticule as you move.

The bounding box which surrounds your object now respects the actual extent and orientation of your object.

With the bounding box changes, scale is unaffected by rotation and is an accurate representation of the object's size.

A new Mirror function within the Scale Menu allows you to flip your objects horizontally or vertically.

In a workspace which contains a Grid, rotations are based on your Grid axes. 0 degrees will be aligned to your (X,Y) axes. In a workspace which does not contain a Grid, rotations are based on the orientation of Origin. 0 degrees will always be horizontally aligned to your screen.

Rotation values are saved when you place an object. You can return to this object later to make rotational adjustments.

The anchor point selector now reflects the orientation of your object in the workspace, making it easier to select the correct anchor.

Custom Anchors

Custom Anchors give you greater control over the placement of imported objects than is offered by Origin’s standard nine-point anchor system.

Add a custom anchor to your design in your chosen software by creating a red right-angled triangle. The right angle vertex defines the location of the anchor point. The shorter leg of the right angle defines the X-axis and the longer leg defines the Y-axis.

Zoom Overhaul

You can now pinch to zoom in Scan Mode, Design Mode, and Cut Mode.

Scan Mode, Design Mode, and Cut Mode all have different default zoom levels to give you the best view for the operations you will typically perform within each Mode.

Design Mode remembers your most recent zoom level.

Performance and interaction improvements have been made to the zoom slider.

Pocket Cutting Refinements

It’s easier to control Origin while pocketing. Unexpected cutter movement has been eliminated and the overall experience is much more predictable.

  • Wi-Fi connection improvements have been made for tools which may have previously experienced issues

  • Improved touchscreen accuracy and responsiveness on tools that may have previously experienced degraded touchscreen performance

  • Rename a workspace quickly from within Scan Mode

  • Processing for fractional offsets is much faster

  • Attempting to modify the path type of an open path will trigger an error message

  • Resolved a bug when creating rectangles with negative dimensions

  • Shaper can now offer Remote Support to Origin owners whose tools experience software issues

  • Origin now adjusts for small lateral movements made by the user while plunging/retracting

  • Origin’s sidebars become transparent while cutting to give you a larger view of your workspace

  • Imported shapes default to the center anchor point


Version - May 22nd, 2020

  • Fixed a stability issue that affected some units

Version - May 20th, 2020

Grid Creation and Use

It is now possible to grid from any edge of your workpiece.

Grids can now be created using a “center point” Y-Axis.

Existing grids can now be easily modified.

You can now select which edge of the probe bit to register off of.


The Workspace selection UI has been overhauled.

You can now rename, duplicate, sort, and search for Workspaces.

The Workspace selection interface now enables you to quickly identify Workspaces that incorporate ShaperTape currently within Origin’s camera view.

Switch to Workspace: You can automatically switch Workspaces mid-session by simply pointing Origin at a previously-scanned Workspace

Complex File/Scan Enhancements

Origin can now handle more complex files.

There is now better messaging through the UI to show when Origin is processing (for example, when computing an offset on a complex shape).

  • Origin’s on-screen keyboard is now more responsive

  • The Text Basic Extension now includes a much larger selection of characters

  • Origin now supports files created by

  • Guides are now always selected last when in cut mode

  • Improvements to internationalization have been implemented throughout the UI

  • The Wi-Fi selection screen will now tell you if no compatible networks are in range

  • Origin is now more resistant to rare file corruption failures

  • Several rare software crashes that previously caused Origin’s UI to freeze have been resolved

  • Minor security patches have been applied to Origin’s OS

Golden Gate

Version - January 28th, 2020

  • Fixed a motor control bug that affected some Origins

Version - January 20th, 2020

  • Improved Z-Axis motor retraction behavior and fault handling capabilities

  • Fixed a bug that could result in the UI becoming unresponsive

  • Fixed a font kerning issue with the “W” character in the “Text basic” extension

Version - November 18th, 2019

  • Fixed minor scanning visualization artifact

  • System stability improvements

Version - October 2nd, 2019

  • Minor motor control subsystem bug fixes

  • Placing a file in an unknown workspace will no longer cause Origin’s software to crash

Version - September 25th, 2019

Box Joint Basic Extension

Make box joints with ease on-tool—no computer or physical templates required! Input your parameters and Origin will automatically generate the cut paths for both sides of a box joint.

Text Basic Extension

Adding single-line text to your next project is now a breeze. Just type in your text and Origin will automatically generate an engraveable cut path.

  • Improvements to internationalization throughout the UI

  • Pinch-to-Zoom now works while placing objects designed on-tool

  • Improved robustness of Origin’s motor control software systems

  • Elimination of the cause behind several rare software crashes

  • Improved thermal management by better detection of system idle states

  • More intuitive software update flow and notifications

  • Fixed an issue where copied objects could exhibit a scaling discrepancy

  • Fixed some rare software crashes that could result in a “recovery loop”

  • Fixed a bug where the update progress bar could sometimes behave erratically

  • Minor security patches

  • On-Tool account creation provides more useful error messages on failure


Version - April 11th, 2019

Auto-Lock Mode

It is now possible to “lock” origin into Auto mode (with a chosen feedrate) by double-clicking the green button at the start of a cut.

Improved File/Folder Navigation

Origin’s design import menu now remembers where you left off to make your design process faster.

Support for Single Line Font SVGs

Origin will now properly understand SVGs that were created from single line fonts and allow them to be engraved.

  • Improved responsiveness of plunge stop when creating a grid

  • Fixed a software crash that can occur when leaving Origin idle for a long time

  • It is now possible to mirror a design on-tool by entering a negative scale value

  • Grid tool now properly treats probe diameter as different from tool diameter

  • User will be reminded if a scan is “low accuracy” on each load of that workspace

  • Fixed several rare issues that could cause Origin to hang or crash when working with complex files

  • Fixed several software crashes that could be caused by placing certain design files

  • Origin now boots to a usable state faster after a software update has occurred

  • Various error messages have been improved to better recommend corrective actions

  • Users are now prompted to retry Z-Touch after it is prevented due to the spindle being on

  • Origin’s Wi-Fi MAC address is now shown on the Info page in the Settings menu

  • Changed out-of-box cut settings to default to aircut depth

  • Fixed an issue that could cause factory resets to fail on Origins with a lot of saved workspaces


Version - December 10th, 2018

Improvements to Onboard Keyboard

Origin’s new keyboard now supports a wider variety of special characters.

When using the keyboard, users can now use a magnifier tool to ensure that they are entering their intended letters, numbers and characters.

Low Accuracy Scans

When a user creates a Low Accuracy Scan, Origin will notify the user and then give the user the option to use this Low Accuracy Scan or to create a New Scan. Note: for most accurate results, we recommend performing a New Scan instead of using a Low Accuracy Scan.

Multilingual and Multi-Region Support

Users can now interact with Origin in French or German, in addition to English.

To change your tool’s language or region settings once you have installed Emeryville, go to: Settings ⇒ Info ⇒ Language/Region.

  • Fixed bug that was preventing some users from logging into ShaperHub on Origin

  • Addressed issue that forced users to power cycle after deleting all their workspaces

  • Improved spindle power state detection during Z-touchoff and cutting

  • Improved error messages and better onboarding experience


Version - October 1st, 2018

Fast Retract

Origin will now retract the spindle quickly when finishing a cut or going out of bounds to save you time when cutting projects with lots of paths

Enhanced Pocketing

In Castro, you could only start a pocket on its edges. Now, you can start a pocket cut from anywhere inside of the shape.

Enhanced Path Selection

When multiple paths are underneath the range circle, a Select button will appear in Design and Cut. Tapping Select will allow you to select precisely the path you want.

Hold down the Select button to see which paths can be switched to.

Zoom during place

See your workpiece up close so you can more precisely place designs

Enhanced Path Visuals

Selected paths are much more obvious, now rendered in a thicker, more contrasting color (green).

Nearby paths show the area that will be cut so that you can see where paths may overlap.

Sticky anchor point type

When placing or copying designs, your last-used anchor point type (Top left, Middle, Bottom right, etc) will be saved and used the next time you place or copy.

Improved Software Update experience

You’ll be notified when there’s an update available, and have up to 5 days to install, so you can get the latest software on your schedule.

  • Revised tool settings so you can see critical information at a glance

  • Moved ‘erase cuts’ button to a more deliberate on-screen location

  • Significant improvements to SVG parsing and rendering

  • Touch screen performance improvements

  • Performance and efficiency improvements (may result in reduced tool temperatures)


Version - June 28th, 2018

New “Add to Scan” mode replaces “Update Scan”

The 'Add to Scan' allows users to make changes on their workspace (adding ShaperTape, inserting guide marks, etc.) and seamlessly incorporate this information into their original scans

Version - May 1st, 2018

Helix Mode

Cutter is now able to move automatically in a controlled helical descent to a specified depth.

Helix mode becomes available for Inside paths that are smaller than the corrective range.

Plunge and Auto Speeds Adjustment

Cutter is now able to move automatically in a controlled helical descent to a specified depth.

Tool will plunge at regular speed until reaching ‘Aircut’ height (just above your workpiece).


Number entry now includes mathematical operators.

Can more easily input fractions in bit size and cut depth.

Grid tool improvements

Plunge to your desired probe depth without performing Z-Touch first.

A bit diameter can be specified for grid that does not affect your current cut settings.

  • Fixed issues that could lead to unintended cuts

  • Improved visual representation for already cut depths

  • Improved time required to process scans

  • Improved time required to place designs

  • Added ability to set anchor points when creating rectangles and circles on tool

  • Improved overall stability

  • Improved touch screen responsiveness

  • Changed background color of unscanned areas allowing to see placed designs

  • Updated some icons and illustrations


Version - January 29th, 2018

Grid Tool

Users can now create a grid on their workpiece to ensure accuracy when placing designs from SVGs and creating designs using on-tool CAD.

Design Place and Copy

Designs created on-tool can be copied, rotated, and locked to specific grid coordinates

Import Browser

The file import screen now displays thumbnails and is sortable via file name or last-modified date

Pen Tool Expansion

The Pen Tool can now be used to create open shapes

  • Increased stability when performing larger scans

  • Can now remove Wi-Fi networks


Version - December 7th, 2017

Improved handling of SVG files

Origin is now better able to parse a wide variety of SVG files, giving users more freedom when designing files

Folder support for USB disks

Users can navigate among folders when importing files from a USB drive

Show tape health indicator in Design mode

The 'tape health indicator' tracks how much scanned ShaperTape is within the tool's field of view at all times

Updated cut presets

Offset and cut depth presets allow for easy adjustments to cut specs in between passes

Warn when spindle is off and Start Cutting is tapped

A reminder notification alerts the user

  • Improvements for switching between multiple WiFi networks

Version - November 7th, 2017

Scan Tool

  • Scan a workspace

  • Update workspace (to add new tape)

  • On startup, Auto-Return to workpiece

  • Select a previous workspace

  • Delete old workspaces


  • Place a SVG transferred via USB

  • Place a SVG transferred via ShaperHub

  • Add a grid with spacing (⅛”, ¼”, ½”, 1”)

  • Create a rectangle

  • Create a rectangle with manually entered dimensions

  • Create a rectangle with rounded corners

  • Create a circle

  • Create a circle with manually entered diameter

  • Use Pen tool to create closed shapes

  • Remove designs from workspace


  • Set size of bit (Custom or standard presets)

  • Set cut type (Inside, Outside, Online, Pocket, or Guide)

  • Set cut depth (Custom or standard presets)

  • Set cut offset (Custom or standard presets)

  • Automatic Z touch off

  • Automatically change cut type based on SVG colors

  • Erase cut history

  • Tape indicator to show tape health


  • Set up WiFi

  • Login/Logout with your Shaper Account

  • Create a Shaper Account

  • Change default units (in. or mm.)