Shaper News

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

And they come faster to those who pre-order!

A little over a year ago, we began accepting pre-orders for Shaper Origin. We’ve spent that year designing, building, and playing with Origin. We built prototypes, overhauled our user interface, created and refined ShaperTape, and spent countless hours in both the factory and the workshop running Origin through the wringer. We couldn’t be prouder of the tool that resulted from that labor and love. And now, we couldn’t be happier to announce that the wait is over: Batch 1 pre-orders of Origin will begin shipping next week.

Units will be shipped based on when we received your pre-order, with the first deliveries going to the earliest pre-orders. For those of you who ordered in Batch 1, please ensure that we have received your shipping information by verifying ithere. We will begin collecting Batch 2 shipping information in the next few months, as production begins to ramp up. Our Batch 2 shipping schedule remains unchanged and will commence in January 2018.

Once Origin starts shipping, you will also see some big changes happen here at You’ll find plenty of helpful information, early Shaperhub designs, and tutorial videos. You will also be able to reach our support team with any questions or issues you have. Keep an eye on this space for further updates and information.

But most importantly, don’t forget to keep us abreast of your projects as Origin makes its home in your workshop. We’ve been living and breathing Origin here at ShaperTools over the past few years and we think we know just about all there is to know about it. But a tool is only as good as the hands and mind that guide it and we can’t wait to learn from you, the user, all the things that Origin can do.

Last thing, if you haven’t yet placed your pre-order, now is your last chance to lock in your Origin at the pre-order price of $1899. Place your order here.