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Plate & Workstation

Watch these videos to learn how to get started


19 Min |Shaper Plate: Setting up Plate
Thanks to Origin’s saved Workspaces, you only need to Scan and Grid once when cutting with Plate.
9 Min |Shaper Plate: Gridding and Indexing Options
Use Plate's Flags and Reticle to align to a variety of edge locations on your workpiece.
19 Min |Shaper Plate: Applications
In this video, we've collected a variety of example applications of Plate + Origin.
4 Min |Shaper Plate: Customizing Plate
Use Plate's Accessory Rail to customize your Plate for a huge variety of custom operations.
6 Min |Shaper Plate: Tips and Tricks
Learn helpful tricks when setting up Plate, using and reusing reference Scans, Gridding and fixturing.
1:30 Min |Shaper Plate: Care and Maintenance
Just like with any template, keeping your Plate clean and cared for prolongs its life and keeps it precise and reliable.

9 Min |Shaper Workstation: Overview
Full walkthrough of Workstation's components
18 Min |Shaper Workstation: Tutorial
Learn how Workstation can expand your shop's capabilities